Saturday, November 13, 2010

"Just Friends"

I have seen the scenario countless times in sitcoms and movies. Opposite Sex Person A (OSPA) meets Opposite Sex Person B (OSPB). They get along great. Share laughs. Hang out. Get to know each other, then .... BLAMMO! OSPA begins to develop a bit of a "love" interest towards OSPB. Then at some point OSPB refers to OSPA as "friend", "pal", compadre to someone else. OR better yet OSPA asks OSPB their opinion about someone they have recently met.

This signifies, clarifies and solidifies the relationship dynamic to be nothing more than "Just Friends".

Story of my life. Yes. I'm a likeable person. Easy to get along with. Loyal friend. Sure, but, WTF??? I mean, seriously. It gets real old very quick and quite frankly I'm not sure what to do about it.

Stop being so nice?

In today's society, you just don't know who people are. What agenda to they have? What are they NOT telling? It's these questions I have in my head when on a date, which is why I HATE DATING.

Why do I hate dating, you ask? Well, I will tell you. It's a political campaign. Shaking hands & kissing the proverbial baby for Pete's sake. The pressure of an official "date" is a crazy, nerve racking, song & dance to put all of your best qualities upfront to entice the other. Then MAYBE after a few months of dating their "representative", the REAL candidate shows up and they show their true colors.

SCREW that! I would rather get to know a woman as a friend. Be relaxed. Hang out with them with no pressure because their is none. In doing so, you aren't trying to impress ... for the most part. Thus you get to know the true person. BUT .... BUT, as in my case, a friendship develops and I begin to like the person I'm getting to know. Then BLAMMO ... we have arrived at, and will never go beyond "Just Friends" because some line has been crossed in the male/female-dom that says, "Sorry! Only Limited Exposure Allowed To Ride This Ride".

Am I screwed up in the head? Am I way off base?

Where do I go wrong? Maybe it's better this way so I don't get stuck in some relationship, as in times past, that they wake up and say, "Hey MD, I don't like you." and vamoose like a thief in the night.

Friends first? Doesn't work.

Dating first? Doesn't work.

WTF??? How does this crap work?

~ The Mis-Adventures of a Dating Daddy

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Well, Here Goes Nuthin'

Here I am, having breakfast with my two little kids on a Saturday morning reflecting on my life thinking, "How did I get here?"

Life has been a blur, just like my dad told me it would. "Son, once you graduate highschool, life will happen quicker than you can imagine." he says, and man was he right. However, being 37, a single dad to a fantastic 5 year old boy and my sweet little 3 year old girl (I commonly call them my mini-me's) living in Houston Texas, everything about my life is certainly fantastic all-in-all, but man ... how did I get here?

Being the family man that I am, there are days like today sitting at the kitchen table with the kids laughing, being silly as we all eat our oatmeal, that the one ingredient missing is ... my partner. After 7 years of marriage and many rough times, the family being together is what I miss so much. Let me clarify, I do not  miss my ex, at all. We just weren't a good match. We remain friends because, well ... we are raising the two greatest achievements of our lives together and it's up to us to do this right. So, we have moved past our personal differences and have moved on.

However, being a family man, and one that really enjoys companionship ... I miss having a partner. A woman who is both my friend, supporter, fan and balance in my life and who I can be in return and share life. I am not searching for a step-mom for my kids. They have a mom, and a great one at that. But, first and foremost, I am a dad. I love it. But when my kids aren't home filling my house with giggles, screams of "Catch me Daddy!" or "Tickle Me!", I am me. Just me. A guy, looking for that special girl to share both life and times. My "Plan A". Unfortunately, finding that partner has been both challenging (more so than any triathlon I have competed in or mountain I rode up as a cyclist) and a somewhat entertaining adventure and one that I will share both past and present experiences as ... a Dating Daddy.

At this stage I find that women my age act too old. Set in their ways and just fuddy-duddies. Tho I do enjoy my quiet evenings at home, I like to get out, go do something adventurous, different and exciting. Adding jalapenos to a pizza doesn't exactly define my choice for an exciting night (mostly because that's common for me anyway) nor does going to Olive Garden and a walk around the mall. Give me a break. Live a little. Let's take a random road trip, destination unknown. Maybe drive north until we hit snow (true story, I've actually done this.), or catch a concert in the park ... just something different. Yet, the younger women, whom I commonly refer to as the "Woo Hoo's" because they will be out, get one drink in them and it's, "Woo Hooooo!" throwing their fist of fury in the air like it's a rock concert and they are the headliner, are just way too young. Seriously? I guess you must be drunk with them to get it. I don't.

However, my dating experiences have run the course of online services, (yes, I did - HATED IT!) to blind dates and the random crossing of paths with women through my daily adventures. All of which still have me sitting here, single, wondering ... is it me ... or them?

I can honestly say, I can't begin to know who or what women want anymore. I am a genuine, honest, loyal man who can carry an intellectual conversation while at the same time being very intrigued by another person's life story. BUT ... women these days. They say they want a guy to treat them right, yet who they go out with contradicts what they are looking for. Hence, my dilemma.

I am who I am. What's a Dating Daddy to do?